Melissa McElveen has had numerous roles to help shape her into one of the nation’s leading experts on student engagement and content retention through instructional strategies including interactive anchor charts and content walls. She has been a math lab teacher, classroom teacher, instructional coach, instructional specialist and an assistant principal throughout her career.
Her experience has broadened her knowledge and passion for improving instructional strategies to ensure successful students and schools. She has written curriculum for districts, led campuses in data talks protocols, and delivered numerous professional developments within her districts and at state and national conferences. Melissa has co-written her second book, Charting with the Chicks: An Interactive Approach to Student Success, and travels with her business partner delivering staff development to campuses and districts throughout the country.
Melissa and her husband, David live on Lake Palestine and enjoy spoiling their granddaughter, Aubrey. Golf is one of her favorite past times when she is not on the road helping teachers teach.